Joseph Akongo

Software Developer

Project Description: 33255426

This project is to develop a cloud-hosted portfolio website showcasing my programming projects. The website feature a clean and professional design, with sections dedicated to displaying projects, skills, and educational background. Each project will have details on its objectives, technologies used.

Additionally, the website will include contact information for networking and collaboration opportunities. Basic HTML and CSS code was used to create the website.

The website is being hosted on Amazon Ec2 t2.micro using ubuntu. t2.mircro has 1 vCPU and 1.0 GiB of RAM. Because the website will have low traffic t2.mircro intance is sufficant for the project.

Rationale for the License: Creative Commons

The content on my portfolio website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC BY-ND). This means that others are free to share and redistribute the content, even commercially, as long as they provide proper attribution to me as the creator. However, derivative works or adaptations of the content are not permitted without prior permission.

By disallowing derivative works, I ensure that my content's original message and intended meaning remain unchanged and my professional identity is accurately represented.




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